Using The Virtual Office Service With Amazon Seller Accounts

Using The Virtual Office Service With Amazon Seller Accounts

Setting Up An Amazon Seller Account? 

You can use the OfficeServ Virtual Office Services for creating and running an Amazon Seller Account. To do this you will require our Virtual Office Premium Service, which must be paid for on a yearly contract basis. 

Do I Need A Unique Address? 

Amazon requires sellers to provide a trading address that is unique to them. When implemented correctly using our unique address option we can help successfully register and verify your Amazon seller account.

Why Do I Need Virtual Premium? 

You will need our virtual premium service to obtain a unique office suite number to use in conjunction with the virtual office address we provide. This unique suite number is issued only to customers wishing to make a yearly commitment to our premium service. 

Why Do I Have To Pay Yearly? 

We require our customers to make a yearly commitment before providing them with a unique office address to ensure that the service is not abused by people setting up? Verifying accounts at the unique address and then ceasing to pay OfficeServ for the provided service. 

You can purchase this service via our website, just click here and then choose the yearly payment option on our Virtual Premium Package.

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